What’s new in Informix 14.10

Nuova versione di Informix 14.10, scopri le nuove funzionalità.

  • Performance (J-foundation upgrade – Log Replay – New Enterprise Replication command to automate setting up replication between Informix servers – Common Table Expression)
  • Administration (InformixHQ – REGEX: rtrim flag and overloaded functions – Backup to S3 cloud servers using V4 authentication – Atomic replacement of stored procedure – Replication to SPL routine – ODBC Smart Trigger)
  • Security (Integrated Encryption – Remote Key Store for EAR)
  • Extensibility (TSTAMP data type for TimeSeries – Spatio-temporal Enhancements)
  • Installation Enhancement (Informix edition installer)

What’s new in IBM Informix version 14.10.xC1

J-foundation upgrade
  • J/Foundation now supports additional mechanisms for easier deployment of Java UDR’s into the Informix server.

    For more information, see Enhanced Class Deployment.

  • JDBC driver used with J/Foundation has been updated to 4.50.JC1.

    The enhancements and performance improvements added in JDBC make J/Foundation faster and more feature rich. In particular, Large Object access is quicker and general SQL connection performance between the Java UDR and the database system is more efficient. The server caches the JDBC connection structures more efficiently and is more memory efficient than prior versions.

    For more information, see What’s new in JDBC 4.50.

  • J/Foundation has a new logging framework.

    It is more customizable than before and is twice as fast as the old logging system.

    For more information, see Generating Log Messages.

Log replay performance improvements
  • Sending and applying transactions to secondary (RSS, SDS, HDR) instances has been optimized for performance under the most trying conditions. Performance tests show a significant increase in throughput when compared to Informix v.12.10, benefiting all customers large or small. Similar improvement is observed in crash recovery performance.
  • Added new config parameters for performance tuning and updated ‘onstat –g laq’ output to show replication latency, and log replay rate.

For more information, see Administrator’s Reference Guide.

New Enterprise Replication command to automate setting up replication between Informix servers

  • New ‘cdr migrate server’ command automates setting up of Enterprise Replication between two Informix server instances. This command automates tasks such as:
    1. Define Enterprise Replication domain between the two servers.
    2. Add ERKEY columns for the tables that does not have primary key or unique index columns. Note that adding ERKEY is a slow alter may require downtime to applications.
    3. Create required storage spaces for the databases.
    4. Apply database schema from source server to target server.
    5. Create replicate definitions.
    6. Synchronize data between source and target server instances.

For more information, see Enterprise Replication Guide.


Informix HQ is a new web-based tool which replaces Informix Open Admin Tool (OAT) and provides many requested features:

  • Modernized web console for monitoring, alerting, and administering Informix database servers.
  • Provides critical performance management capabilities, monitoring how key performance metrics are changing over time and tracking how efficiently Informix is running your workload even when you’ve stepped away from your screen.
  • Customizable alerting system so you can be immediately alerted through modern IT infrastructures like Pager Duty, Twilio, and email.
  • Purpose built for scaling out and optimizing DevOps needs.
  • Accessible from any desktop, laptop, or mobile device.

For more information, see InformixHQ Guide.

Integrated Encryption

The Informix Backup and Restore utilities (On-Bar, ontape, archecker, onlog) now have the capability to internally encrypt and decrypt dbspace, blobspace, smart blobspace and logical log backup data, using Remote Key Store servers that provide access to state of the art resources (entropy sources, key generators, centralized key management and rotation, etc. ) which are difficult to simulate in a stand-alone machine.

The same utilities also offer a simple way to encrypt and decrypt data using a locally provided static encryption key.

For more information, see Backup and Restore Guide.

Remote Key Store for EAR

The encryption-at-rest (EAR) feature now supports the storage of encryption keys in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account.

For more information, see The onkstore Utility.

TSTAMP data type for TimeSeries

A new TSTAMP distinct type can be used when defining fields or parameters in TimeSeries.

For more information, see TimeSeries Data User’s Guide .

Spatio-temporal Enhancements

  • Support for projection systems other than World Geodetic System (WGS) 84.
  • Support for new ESRI Shape and Projection Engine (PE) libraries.
  • Added a “count” operation to return the number of times a moving object has passed a given location.

For more information, see Spatiotemporal Search for Moving Objects User’s Guide.

REGEX: rtrim flag and overloaded functions

The new flag, rtrim will trim trailing white space on the input string. It is applied by adding the trim option to the copts or copts_string parameter when invoking the various regex_<xxx>() functions.

For more information, see Database Extensions User’s Guide.

Backup to S3 cloud servers using V4 authentication

The onpsm utility has been updated to support V4 authentication for the S3 protocol. We achieve this by allowing the utility to create devices with a new parameter (“–region”) which will automatically enable V4 authentication in that device.

For more information, see Backup and Restore Guide.

Common Table Expression

A Common Table Expression (CTE) is a named temporary result set derived from a simple query and defined within the execution scope of a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. The CTE can be referred to later within that same statement, possibly multiple times. CTEs can be used recursively to simplify complex queries.

For more information, see WITH statement (Common Table Expressions).

Atomic replacement of stored procedure

New SQL functionality provides “atomic” replacement of stored procedures (only). CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE works differently than CREATE PROCEDURE IF NOT EXISTS, as CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDUREwill replacean existing function with the newer version of the procedure. CREATE OR REPLACE preserves existing schema dependencies.

For more information, see OR REPLACE Clause.

Replication to SPL routine

Replication to SPL enables to apply data to a stored procedure instead of to a target table. SPL routine can be written using Informix stored procedure language, C or JAVA UDR.

The feature include:

  • Realtime streaming analytics on OLTP data. Examples include:Asynchronously calculate per store sales report and Realtime leaderboard calculation for an online game.
  • Data transformations. Example: While replicating data from retail stores to central home office, dynamically include data for store id column at home office server.
  • Asynchronously update external systems like message queues, graph databases, and Hadoop file systems.
  • Replicate data for tables that do not have primary key, ER key or unique index.

Asynchronous post commit triggers can be created using combination of “replication to SPL” and “loopback replication” functionality.

For more information, see Enterprise Replication Guide.

ODBC Smart Trigger

A smart trigger is a set of commands issued to the database, that sets up a push notification when certain changes happen to data in a table. These changes are detected by a SQL query, that is run after INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE commands are executed. ODBC’s APIs can be used to get the real time Push Data notification from Informix server in ODBC applications. It is available across all ODBC supported platforms.

For more information, see Informix ODBC Driver Guide.

Informix edition installer

Informix edition installer allows you to switch the edition of 14.10 Informix installation from one edition to another.

For more information, see IBM Informix Installation Guide.

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